about us

You might think we're all about jewelry, but Love Life Accessories  is really about change!

Changing the way people look.
Changing the way people feel.
Changing people's futures and their lives.

Robin's Story

I used to be in real estate with my husband and we loved flipping homes! I felt like an artist making beautiful masterpieces. We made good money, I got to be my own boss and take time off of work when I wanted. Then the market changed in 2008. We lost everything. My self esteem went down the toilet. I felt like a loser. I worried about credit cards being declined at the grocery store and we barely even had enough money to eat. Then I found Paparazzi and it changed my life! For only $5 I was able to put a necklace on, stand a little taller, and feel better about myself! I was making good money, had the flexibility that I needed, and felt like a new artist again. The best part is, I was able to make other women feel better about themselves too! Paparazzi has taught me to love my life and given me a way to help other women love their lives too!

Britney's Story

I was working in real estate with my parents as a newly wed with a new baby. Life was comfortable and I loved what I did. Then the market changed and I lost my job. We couldn't afford rent and had to move into my parent’s basement. We couldn't even afford to put food on the table and had to get on food stamps and government assistance. We were racking up credit card debt just trying to stay afloat. The stress and anxiety made me not want to get out of bed. Then one day my prayers were answered. I found Paparazzi and it changed my life. I started making money again. I paid off the credit cards and was able to put food on the table. Not only did I supplement my husband's income, but I was able to retire him completely. My kids now have a parent home at all times. Not only am I happy and excited to get out of bed in the mornings, I feel like I have a new lease on life full of financial security and freedom!

Robbie's Story

I went to college for business and entrepreneurship, and after graduating I tried a few different side hustles, but nothing really seemed to pan out. So I did what I thought I should do. I used my college degree and joined corporate America. Within months, I felt like I wanted to quit. I felt like I didn’t matter and was just another number there. My self-worth was tied to how much I was making, and I really wasn’t making that much. Then the opportunity arose to join my mom and my sister, and I never looked back. I am making way more than I was before and feeling so much better about myself, but not just because of the money. I get to share my knowledge with team members and I actually feel like I am making a difference in their lives. I finally feel like I am a part of something bigger and I love what I do. 

join our team

Are you ready to start loving your life again?  

We are looking to grow with women who want something more...

We have three goals for you 





• Take back control and stop waiting for someone else to change your situation

• Live your life from a place of hope, purpose, and ambition

• Become a better mom, wife, friend, sister, and person


• Find the self-confidence boost you need to thrive

• Work on your own terms, at your own pace

• Be your own boss with a supportive team that’s got your back


• Become the financial provider in your family

• Pay off your cars and your home, and go on vacations

• Earn without sacrificing time with your loved ones

About Our


What's the most important thing to know about Paparazzi?

It's fabulous fashion for just $5.
every piece. every day.

If that's not enough, you'll also be glad to know Paparazzi products are:

Lead-free and nickel-free
One-of-a-kind featuring original design, style, & feel
Always changing—buy it when you see it!
Made in China
Available only through our Consultants

See it, feel it, wear it yourself!


If these women can transform their lives with $5 jewelry, so can you!  




Team Love Life is such an awesome team. They have helped me so much throughout my business by challenging me in so many different ways. They helped me with building customers, recruiting, selling and letting me know that I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am kind, and I am smart. I am who I am because of the Paparazzi!

The Team Love Life not only encourages hard work and good fun, but they reward me for working my business. Team Love Life rewards you for team building, for doing your Facebook lives, working your Facebook albums, they even reward you for building your inventory. Now that’s a team that wants you to grow and win!

I’m really grateful for Team Love Life! They are super encouraging, they give us challenges, and they want us to reach our personal goals, whatever those may be. I’m super thankful for Robin & Britney!


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